Eva Kipp
Born: 20-3-1947
Education: Academie Minerva ( Fine arts) Groningen,
Filmacademie Amsterdam and
Culturele Pedagogie Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
History in a bird's eye view
2024 Mother Earth, mixed media and paperart K38 Roden The Netherlands
2024 Expoost ,paperart exhibition,The beauty of paper,Cecilia chapel, Hoorn The Netherlands
2024 Iapma paper-art biennale Bremischen Germany
2024 Kiallito museum Liptak Villa Budapest + Rippl Galeria Hungary Digital art with MET
2023 The Art Market 2023 Budapest International art fair, met MET, digital art, Hungary
2023 Paper Alive !, International Exhibition Paper Art, Dresden , Germany
2023 11e Triennale internationale du papier Viviane Fontaine Musee de Charmey Swiss
2023 Kunst aan Huis-2023 . Jubileumroute ; theme TOGETHER. Photo and objects
2023 Postal Artist Books at the Basler Papiermühle Museum in Swiss .
2023 Electrographic museum Szigevar at Durdeva Croatia. with colleagues from MET .
2022 ART MARKET 2022; photos with MET Budapest Hungary
2022 Exhibition (V)luchtig ) in K38 Art -centrum Roden. (mixed media and paper art)
2022 De International paperart biennale Haacht in Belgium
2022 De 5th International Paper Biennial; Artist;House:Beer-Sheva, Israel
2021 Dierbaar dier op reis ; Gallery Hiske Wiersma; paperart and mixed media; Holland
2021 3rd International Art Trienale international DIGITAL AGORA in 2021 House of Arts, Szekszard, Hongarije
2021 The Paper Academy; Origins and Destinations;Iampa jubilee paper art exhibition, Danmark
2021 Museu Moli Paperer;Origins and Destinations;Iampa jubilee paperart exhibition Spain
2021 International; Postal Artist Books; Oswald Andreade Gallery Sao Paolo Brazil.
2020 10e Triennale Internationale du papier at Musee de Charmey in Switzerland.
2020 electrographische art ( MET) theme HARVEST; Bartok Gallery Bela Bartok 1 Budapest
2019 ART MARKET 2019 Contemporary International Art Fair Boedapest at Millenaris, Budapest
2019 K28 Roden "Uit de koffer" mixed media
2019 Loolaan galerie, Apeldoorn; Paper in Movement; paper art
2019 Museum Mohlmann ;Dierbaar Dier installation; paper and mixed media
2019 Gallery Pictura Groningen "Bevings"; photos
2019 THE BOX Gallery, Athens ""Waterpaly";
2019 Varmezo Gallery, Budapest "Harvest".
2019 Gallery Pictura Groningen "Bevings"
2018 Exhibition PAPERART Gallery Kunstencentrum K38, Roden.
2018 ART MARKET BUDAPEST Millenaris Cultural centre Budapest Hungary; photos
2018 2nd International Art Triennial DIGITAL AGORA.House of Arts in Szekszard, Hungary
2018 PIXEL ART BUDAPEST Vision Tower gallery VISION Gachon South Korea; photos
2018 Museum Huize Venendal ; objects;paperart + mixed media
2017 MET gallery in Budapest; GEMINIDS ; rain of stars ( photo,s)
2017 University gallery in Kaposvár Hungary. Eastethics of mistake
2017 70 years Watching Finding Imagination Rechthuis Aduard solo; paper + mixed media
2017 different exhibitions with photo's in Budapest MET and Pannonhalma gallery Hungary
2017 International exhibition of small form electrografic art
2017 B32 Gallery Budapest MATRICES 2017 with 8 of my works
2016 Bookart exhibition Grafic museum Groningen
2016 Gallery 'Dekunsten 'Be Birza in Deventer paper + artbooks .
2016 Budapest: Met Gallery photos together with 2 Hongaarse artists
2016 ART MARKET Budapest ( oktober)
2016 'Bartók' at the Vízivárosi Gallery Budapest
2016 XVIII National Contemporary Art Tryst Festival of Contemporary Dance in Veszprém photos on dance in Bali
2016 Pécs Nostalgia Tram Gallery Budapest Hongary ; photos on travel and electricity (digital worked)
2016 Pictura Groningen 'Out of the blue ' paper mixed media jewellery objects
2016 XS ( extra small) Verkuno Roden mixed media
2015 GALLERY MET Budapest MOZAÏEK photo exhibition
2015 Gallery; ARTEMISIA in kunstzaken te Leeuwarden expo 'ATTENTIE'paper jewelry + objects
2015 Gallery; de Pronkkoamer te Saakzumhuizen PRESENT exhibition paper art; jewelery + objects
2015 ART MARKET 2015 - International Contemporary Art Fair
2015 The International Art Triennial DIGITAL AGORA:'LIGHT'
House of Arts Szekszárd ,Hungary
2015 Paperart manifestation PAPER IN MOVEMENT
within CODA Paper Artexhibition ; CODA museum Apeldoorn
2015 'Monumentaal monnikenwerk' Route 99 't Rechthuis Aduard paper and mixed media objects
2015 Paper exhibition " Paper in Movement" gallery; Studio 28 Apeldoorn
2015 5 x 5 small art exhibition galllery Pictura Groningen
2015 exhibition Sacred houses; Gallery: Artemisia in kunstzaken
Rotondekerk Terband ( paper and mixed media objects)
2015 Artmanifestation " Open Stal " in Gallery Peter Hiemstra-
With 'Waddialoog' van EVANDA ( Wianda Keizer en Eva Kipp)paper mixed media objects
2015 ART AT HOME studio route manifestation Lauwersland
2015 Wadden & Wierdenland - Museum Wierdenland Ezinge - paper objects
2014 Galley; Wies Willemsen, Amsterdam; paper art
2014 Art-month Ameland paper and mixed media objects
2014 Piloersemaborg Den Ham ;paper and mixed media objects
2014 Group exhibitions: Adorp- Wierdenmuseum Ezinge-
Martin Luther Haus, Leer (Duitsland) Stripmuseum Groningen
2014 Openstal te Oldenbekoop "Stellingwarver Schrieversronte" art-book project
2014 Duo's exhibitions at : Buitenplaats Noordkust, Pieterburen en Hortus Haren
2013 Hongarije; King St.Steven Museum Székesfehérvár,
'Fifth International Artist Book exhibition2013.'
2013 Holwerd , Sint Williborduskerk Waddenkunstkring- paper / mixed media
2013 ' Pakkend Papier' Galerie Noord Groningen with paper-objects
2013 'Wattenmeer ohne grenzen' Wattenmeer besucherzentrum, Willemshavenpaper
2013 Elles metamorphosent le Livre I, galerie Espace des femmes, PARIJS
2012 CODA Museum Apeldoorn Sieraadvormen 3D( paper-jewellery-objects)
2012 augustus Festival Sierraadvormen, Middelste Molen. Loenen
( working on paper juwellery objects))
2012 septembre Mythe van de natuur, photos and paintings
in 'Het Volle Leven', Appelscha
2012 Roden, Galery Koetshuis 'Pakkend Papier'(touching paper)
2011 « LE LIVRE DANS TOUS SES ETATS » Mairie de Feuquières, France
2011 Noorderlicht, satelliet; Hop Gallery Delfzijl , photo's and statues
2011 Stripmuseum Groningen, with Voic; illustrations
2011 Exchange exhibition Dotlingen artists Galerie Gewaagd Hornhuizen
2011 Vierhuizen exhibition artist from Marne
2011 Mythe van de natuur ; city hall Beilen solo
2011 International painting and mixed media exhibition
2010/2011 Exhibition in Lessedra Gallery, Sofia, Bulgaria
December 15th 2010 - February 15th 2011
2010 Heurehaus Dotlingen Germany, Exhibition ; photo's and ceramic installation
2010 Dotlingen,Germany, Artist Exchange project 1 month aug-sept;
ceramic installation.
2010 'Matrices 2010', international exhibition electrografic art biënnale,
Duna Gallery, Budapest Hungary
2010 Different group exhibitions; Vierhuizen church, Paleis gallery Groningen,
Ezinge;Enkemaborg; With photo's and paintings
2010 'Lauwersland Art at home route 2010 ' with Multi media
2009 Roden koetshuis, Artist books exhibition
2009 "Noorderlicht" photo-exhibition Cultural Centrum Zuidhorn sept-oct
2009 Vierhuizen church; group exhibition; photo's
2008 Galery Philip Elchers, artbooks
2008 Galery Het raadhuis, Eenrum 'Art of the highlands.'
2008 wAarde te Beek Ubbergen 'Schadowart', exhibition outside
2007 Selwerderhof, Groningen (burial ground) photo's and objects
2007 The Art at Home route Lauwersoog: multi media
2007 Art as guest route,De Gast,Zuidhorn: installation en multi media art
2007 Studio Route 99: Each first Sunday of the month open studio at home
2007 Matrices 2007, international exhibition electrographic art,
Duna Galery H-1135 Budapest, Hungary
2007 Assignment 'Shadow art', for environment organization wAarde;
Beek Ubbergen.
2006 'Rooftop', Kathmandu, Nepal; paper-art, photos and installation
2006 Gallery Noord Groningen 'From far and close by', photo exhibition
2006 Gallery Noord Groningen Artist books Exhibition
2006 'Fourth International Artist Book exhibition.'Székesfehérvár,HR
2005 Gallery Forma Aktua; illustrators, group exhibition
2005 Gallery Noord Groningen(Novembre)theme exhibition 'dialogue'.
2005 Vierhuizen curch; group exhibition; photos
2004 Wedford international art book exhibition, Ireland
2003 Vierhuizen church; group exhibition; paintings
2002 Art Centrum Herenveen; multi media art
2002 Gallery;Museum aan huis; 'Diary 2000', Amersfoort- object and paintings
2002 Barefoot gallery; Colombo Sri Lanka multi media art
2001 Klein 14 gallery Rotterdam
About my art in:
2013 Catalogus; 'Fifth International Artist Book exhibition 2013.'
2012 Catalogus Paper jewellery objects Middelste Molen Loenen
2007-2010-2012 Catalogus Matrices 2007 and 2010, international exhibition
elektrografic art, Hungary
2007 De Ommelander (Art from Molenrij by Eric Post) maart 2007
2007 Catalogus Pilgrims books, Nepal, India
2006 Catalogus; 'Fourth International Artist Book exhibition.'
Székesfehérvár, Hungary
2006 'Tableau', fine arts magazine, April
2006 Nieuwsblad van het Noorden (by Bouwe van Norden -Jan 2006)
2006 Kathmandu post: 'Paper art expo' nov 4
2002 The Sunday times (Sri Lanka) May 20
2002 Daily News (Sri Lanka) May 19
1993-2009 Different books published in Guinee Bissau, Portugal, Nepal, Sri Lanka and The Netherlands ( see under books)
Assingments( selection):
2008 wAarde te Beek Ubbergen 'Schaduwkunst',(Shadowart)
1995-2007 Different bookprojects for voorPilgims, Kathmandu, Nepal
2005-2007 ETC Leusden; Postcard -design
2006 CWIN Nepal 'Peace is our aspiration'( book- expression project)
2005 Royal Dutch Embassy Sri Lanka ; book project
2000 'The cry of my heart' children about the war,
collect en compose)ZOA refugee Care Colombo, Sri - Lanka
1998- Mutharajawela museum project(design en installation).
1997 Sinharahja Forest project- design of logo and product packing
1988 Radio program for KRO radioabout African folktales.
1987 Slide soundshow about education in in Africa for Foreign affaires,
Den Haag.
1984-1985 Slide soundshows about womenlifes in Africa for NOVIB, den Haag
1983-1986 Slide soundshows (25about Guinese culture, ministery of education in
Guinee Bissau.
1986 Production, scenario, scriptgirl,translator, photoghraphy for
filmproject about education in Afrika for the NOT (Dutch
Educational television)
1986 Audiovisueel program over Dutch development work in Guinee
for the Royal Dutch Embassy in Dakar, Senegal.
Works in stock in:
Museum artistbooks -Székesfehérvár- Hungary;
Duna Gallery H-1135 Budapest, Hungary
Meermanno museum Den Haag
Philip Elchers Groningen
Collection Artistbooks; Christine Core, Verderonne Frankrijk
Teacher TXT in audiovisual expression by the visual department of the Teachers Training Institute Ubbo Emmius
Several assignments in developmentwork as Cultural educational expert ( in Guinee Bissau- Nepal en Sri Lanka)